Katie and her team delivered a unique and authentic Sri Lankan experience that I will treasure always.

Katie Thomson has a winning formula. This is like no other tour, but control freaks need not apply.  We were not handed a printed itinerary that mapped out every minute of our days.  Once I realised this and relinquished my need to be in control, I surrendered into the experience, and magic started to happen. 

The frame work was solid and full, but our days were fluid & easy. We were encouraged to explore our interests, which was enriching for the group as a whole.  New experiences and surprises were around every corner.  Katie led a heartfelt yoga practice each morning which complemented our daily adventures.  Katie with our local tour guide, Indica, and our lovely driver formed a fabulous professional team.  They enthusiastically shared their love of Sri Lanka with us through so many ways. 

Johanna | Brisbane

Tobias O'Hehir